Baby Beast Coil Continuing to Fire After

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  • #1

Guys/ Ladies -- This is driving me nuts now.. I have been having dry hits issues with the baby beast since I got it about 2 weeks ago. I have used/spent the pre-made coils as well as separate coils which I ordered..

Following is what I have done/tried

-- Primed the hell out of the coils (and let it stand for hours and more)
-- Using a coolfire Mod running at 40-65 W max
-- 70-30 liquid (Dinner lady)
-- Have tried replacing the o-rings
-- Have tried replacing the top seal/gasket
-- Have tried poking pin holes in the coils, to no avail
-- Coils wasted/tested: Q2, X4, T8
-- Refilling while airflow open/closed/semi
-- Don't let the liquid run too low

I notice:

-- The hits taste flavourless and dry more than burnt.. I flip the top cap open and its fine for 2-3 hits.
-- Occasional bubbles in the tank after hits (Sometimes big balloons)
-- Liquid lines sticking to the top of the tank (prob. its normal)
-- Droplets of liquid on the top of the gasket after I take a few drags.. (That maybe because of the occasional spitting)

Is the tank doomed? Are all my coils doomed? Am I?

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  • #4

Thanks Anna and MrStik..

It's true that the coils are not wicking quick enuff. I just can fathom the reason why. Forgot to add, the problem starts with coils once they are about a day old. I've read these things can take about a week of heavy vaping.. I doubt I am killing them so early.. And regarding the airflow, I can't see any visible obstructions..

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  • #6

I've run out of hair already : ).. I have used 2 juices till now with this tank.. 60-40 Beard no.32 and 70-30 Lemon tart from Dinner lady..
It's true it performs a bit better with 60-40 (to an extent that flavourless hits start after 8-9 hits)..
The only thing I can think of is - As you said -- Bad luck with pre-made and new coils (all were duds)..
The only option left is to buy a new pack of T6 and put those to the sword.. But apprehensive that if even those give up in a day then I'll have to conclude I have a junk (new) tank :(..

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  • #9

Chain vaping 9 hits -- Sort of yes and no... -- These are 9 straight hits over half a minute but the wattage is not too high (I chain vape at 40-45W)..
The major issue is when I run out of flavour (hits are dry and if I continue after 2-3 hits it almost tastes burnt).. And all this is in-spite of having holes in the wicks..

Coastal Cowboy

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    • #14

    Go back to the Q2 coils and slow down. I don't care what Smok puts on the coil heads as a recommended range--there's no way one of them can keep up with 8-10 hits in a 30 second span at 50+ Watts.

    The only thing those multiple coil heads do is encourage you to crank up the wattage. That just drinks your juice, drains your batteries and shortens the useful life of the coil head.

    $11.35 Authentic SMOK V8 Baby Replacement Q2 Coil Head (5-Pack) 5-pack - 0.4ohm (40-80W/BEST:55-65W) at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    Even the Q2 heads are about $3 a pop. Between 40 and 45 Watts, they're very good performers and produce a nice cloud and good vapor. If you want to get more than the Q2's can produce, you're better off investing in the RBA head.

    I have two Baby Beasts and even with the RBA installed, they're sitting on the bench because I have higher capacity tanks that produce as well or better at lower wattages. I thought about getting the Big Baby, but I only own two devices (three soon) that support 23+mm tanks, and those are already paired with better performers.

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    • #19

    Lol Thx Peeps.. So all this makes me think that its me the workman who is at fault rather than the tools..
    Now this leaves me with 2 Qs:
    -- Low wattage (Around min recommended for a coil) which will need long drags (3-4s) for satisfaction or
    -- Hig-Mid wattage and short drags (1-2 s)
    Whis is the better way to go? And,
    -- What is the usual gap you guys have b/w hits? 10-15 s?


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